the Anarchist Federation in Manchester
March 27, 2025
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Manchester AF:
Why We Haven't Stopped the War Yet
. A leaflet produced by Manchester AF and Manchester Solidarity Federation.
Available as a pdf file.
Manchester Anarchist News 1
- Labour comes to town.
Manchester Anarchist News 2
Our response to the Madrid bombings
Manchester Anarchist News 3
Local and Euro Elections, Free Trade Hall, the Electricians and Piccadilly Gardens
It's all a load of ballots!
Our local election contribution.
Fight capitalism to abolish racism
A leaflet we gave out when Manchester Against Racism was set up.
Why May Day, Why Piccadilly Gardens?
A leaflet given out by some of Manchester Social forum on May Day 2004.
Northern Resistance May 2007
a pdf of our local news sheet, produced for May Day 2007
Northern Resistance June/July 2007
a pdf of our local news sheet produced for the special Labour Party meeting to crown Gordon Brown.
Merseyside Resistance
Winter 2003
. Local news sheet by our Liverpool group. If you prefer the pdf version, then click
Autumn 2003
. A pdf version only.
Against the War in Iraq
The War in Iraq
Don't be Ruled, Don't be Fooled
A leaflet we gave out on the Manchester March Against the War on Saturday 15th March
If They Want War
The War Against Us All
Anarchists and War